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Fresh from The Desk: School Supplies

Just realized that today is February 29, the not-so-special date in our calendar. As today is not-so-special too (but marked for Justin Bieber as he turns a year older tomorrow) I'd like to share some not-so-special for others but pretty-special to me: Stationaries! Yep, I have love-and-love relationship with this thing. School/office supplies is one of the best thing in the world that could make my mood changing like climate does. Stationaries turns out not just being an important utilites for my daily activites (since I'm a full-time student) but it also bring a speciality to my own work. I thought it'd be nice to share some of my stationaries that I'm currenty using for school with you. Here we go.

1. Pens and markers

For writing I'm using Zebra Sarasa Clip Black 0.5, Zebra Sarasa Clip Black 0.7, Zebra Sarasa 3+S Multicolor Pen 0.5, Standard Gravity Gel Black 0.5, and Standard Needle Point Black 0.38. I prefer using gel pens since I like bold, solid and constant ink color to so-so-blackish color like ballpoint's. I'd also rather using the color black for writing than blue or other color because I like the boldness of black. You may ask, "Then, why are you using multicolor pen?" Well, I have to use multicolor pen at my Biology class since it requires lots of color and color-changing fast. My teacher reccomend multicolor pen since you've got all in one package. I bought the one with main colors (black, blue, and red) plus mechanical pencil so when I do excercise I don't have to change the utensil.

One main problem for left-handed person like me is basically when you're writing, the previous things you've just written could basically scratch because the ink hasn't absorbed. Or some pens are just do their job well when they're used by right-handed people (totally bollocks). These pens I'm using (based on my fair judgement) are some of the best gel pens for left-handed people (especially Sarasa). It works on both hand users, and it distributes the ink smoothly and absorb right a second after you write. The ink also transfer solid and constant so for some people who are distracted by stuck ink, or smudge and smear, it won't happen. Hail gel pen.

I'm using colorful pens if I need bright notes or bored with the notes I'm currently writing (or even bored with the situation, lol). My favorite colors are pink and fuschia, and all the shades inbetween, so I bought colorful pens with those shades. If you're wondering it's in shade: soft pink, baby blue, shiny purple, magenta, pink, and purple. Colorful pens are useful when you're writing notes and have lots of difficult words. Or you can underline words by these colorful pens, different color for different category, then you make the legend at the end of your notes. That'd help a lot.

Last one, drawing pens. I have 5 drawing pens (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, and 0.8), plastic marker (Gundam marker, Snowman marker, Stabilo marker, and Snowman for Whiteboard marker. So basically I use drawing pens for drawing (of course) and writing some notes. I know it's uncomfortable to write in such utensil, but the ink is pouring really well. I use 0.2 and 0.3 sometimes for writing and the rest for drawing. I use the Gundam marker not for my robot (I don't have any Gundam anyway), it's for writing/drawing on plastic material. I use Snowman marker and Stabilo marker for drawing mindmaps or posters. Last, I use the Snowman for Whiteboard marker for writing on the whiteboard, in case when the teacher accidentally doens't bring any.

2. Pencils and Highlighters

For writing I'm using Maped mechanical graphic pencil, Pentel Caplet mechanical pencil, Staedtler 2B wood pencils, and Faber-Castell 2B triangular pencil. When my friends prefer using Stabilo, I'm good with Staedtler because it's clean and not stained. Stabilo brings solid black but it leaves some stain if you're using it for multiple choice sheet. That's why I keep the Stabilo one in mechanical pencil type. For rubber I currently use from Faber-Castell and just bought the Staedtler one (just in case). For the mechanical pencil lead I use Pentel Super 0.5 2B and Stabilo 2B. The sharpener is just an ordinary one from Maped.

For the highlighter I use three different brands: Uni from Mitsubishi, Boxy form Mitsubishi and Stabilo. For the past 5 years, I've been keeping my eyes on Stabilo original, because it's just the one I'm comfortable with. I once tried others, like Stabilo swing-cool, or Stabilo original mini, but I still prefer the original one. Until one day, my piano teacher gave the Stabilo neon and I feel like the packaging is just cool and edgy; let's use it. Later I keep it until now. For the other three on the left, the shades aren't like the Stabilos. I bought these three since I'd searched through the local bookstore in the city and they have no mildliner. These ones have the closest effect like mildliner give. The color they give is pastel and soft, opposite from the Stabilo (shocking yet favorites too). Uni have cute colors instead of just ordinary highlighters typical like yellow. But since I like yellow I bought one from Boxy. The other thing I like about these highlighters (and add another plus point that makes it better than Stabilo) is that they have this plastic-glassy on the tip, so when you highlight the words, you can see what you highlight through the plastic tip (especially if you're right-handed, left-handed highlights from right to left, unfortunately).

3. Other stuff I need

School essentials that are also important and can't be left when you go to school are: Casio scientific calculator, 30 cm Maped ruler, Maped compass, Scott solotape, Flash card ring (I forgot what the brand is, I bought it at Kinokuniya), and 4 GB USB drive. On the second picture I have flags (I don't like having my books dog-earred), some sticky notes from post-it, and some name sitckers. Name stickers are essential, for marking your utensil and books. And it's cute too, so why not having your name printed in cute background? The last but not least is 128 GB iPod classic. Yep, 128 GB and it's classic.



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